Πέμπτη 1 Μαρτίου 2012

We are all Greeks now... or how your Government is gonna rob you if you don't react!

At 29th February ECB gave a huge liquidity of €529.5 billions through 3 years loans at a cost of only 1% to almost 800 european Banks.

The bankrupt banks receive money from the ECB, at low cost. How they’ll use this money then? Banks will buy toxic government bonds. The bankrupt banks will lend failed States. And failed States in return, they will rescue the bankrupt banks. A vicious circle!

Failed States impose strict austerity measures to their people, collect money, create a deep recession in their economy for the sake of failed banks. Failed States, robbing their people through taxes and give the money directly or indirectly to the bankrupt banks.

Banks and bourgeois Democracy (or modern “western type” Republics if you prefer) are one and the same. It is the same, corrupted politicoecopnomic system.

We (the European people) can not and must not wait for the thieves to stop stealing us. Because the thieves will not stop. We have to rise up!

If the people of Europe do not react, what happens now in Greece (theft of people’s income and property) will happen sooner than you think, in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, etc.

European fellow citizens: the Public Debt in Greece was not given to the people of Greece. The big majority of Greek people in the last years with €uro, show increased unemployment and decreased income. 
The huge Public Debt was consumed by some small politicoeconomic Oligarchy.  This Oligarchy (the corrupted politicians and their hangers, some - not all of them - corrupted public servants and some capitalists and unethical entrepreneurs) created the Deficits and the huge “Public” Debt. So the Debt is not Public, it's Oligarchy's Debt. Now this gang put the people to pay for something that is not responsible. Condemn people to poverty.

We have a saying in Greece: "One eats, else pays". This is happening now. This is theft!

European fellow citizens Rise Up!  If you will not react, it will come your turn! Your government, is gonna rob you. It'll get your savings turned out of your hard working. It'll get your property.

The European Union was supposed to become Europe of peoples, solidarity and prosperity. They lied! They tricked you! The European Union is becoming the Europe of the banks or better, banksters. Don't you see it?

It's up to you to react and not let this happen!
We are all Greeks now!

9 σχόλια:

  1. ECB lending to banks ( = save the banks) was given with no hard terms, actually with no terms.
    The banks can use this low cost liquidity as they want. No terms, no conditions.
    In the other hand, Troika (IMF, EU and ECB) "saves" Greece, imposing to people very hard measures.
    The conclusions are yours...
    Is this the Europe we want?

  2. The Greek State begins to rob Greek people shamelessly. As in Greece, it will happen in other countries soon.
    In Greece for example, the government began commits (take) money from citizens' bank accounts, from people who have not have money.

    Greek State took 20 (twenty) euros from a citizen's bank account (the whole ammount that had) for debt in IRS of €6.754! At the same time, it has absolutely done nothing to arrest the great tax evasion. The tax evasion of millions euros. Why?

    The government will take soon and peoples' real estate property.
    This is the great robbery. Perhaps the biggest that has ever attempted in modern history!

  3. Competitiveness gap between european States of the South (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece) and those of North (Germany, Holland etc) can narrow either through the right economic policies or through return to national currencies (lirette for Italy, Drachma for Greece etc).
    The economic policies for to have results, must the governments have political will and the results are taking place in the long term. How many governments have the will to take the right measures?
    In the other hand, the national curreny brings results sooner. None of the two different ways, is easy.

  4. European Union benefited Germany.
    Germany is a big market itself and as is located almost in the center of Europe, it had bigger scale economies (with common currency €uro, could sell more easily all over Europe) and so, was more competitive.

    The common currency (€uro) was weaker than Deutsche Mark and that boosted Germany's exports.

    In other Countries, the €uro was stronger than the previus national currencies, so it was more difficult for Italy, Spain το export.

    Year by year, Germany expanded the competitiveness gap. The other Countries like Italy, Spain etc., used the hard currency €uro to import goods that in the pre €uro era, were produced in their mainlands, giving jobs and income to their people. That lead to high trade deficits and big current account deficits.

    €uro, the common currench, seems to be the destroyer of national economies of the southern europeans States.

  5. The Americans are furious as gas has reached $4 per Gallon. In Greece the Gas price per liter has risen to €1.79, that is $ 2.37.
    As a Liter is the 0.26 of a Gallon, the gasoline price in Greece is $ 9.11 (!) at the end of March and keep going up and up and up ... and the average American citizen has an income, well above the average Greek.

    Be prepared! They want to make all of us, GREEKS.
    They try to povertise us.

  6. > European bureaucrats and "leaders" give huge ammount of money to banks at a cost of only 1% with NO terms and conditions (= free money).
    > They also "save" weak Nations like Greece at a cost of almost 3.5% but cause them to bleed economicaly and also they creating economic Depression (= steal people's money).

    Do you find this comparison to be Correct? Do you think it's fair?

  7. A 77 year old pensioner killed himself in front of the Greek Parliament today 4th of April 2012, because of the Austerity ( = unhuman) measures.

    Next time, can be enyone of us...

  8. Today (4th of April, 2012) a 77 year old retired man committed suicide in Syntagma square, Greece near Greek Parliament. He left a letter before he shot himself. Bellow is the link with the picture and a rough translation of the letter.

    Today a 77 year old retired man committed suicide in Syntagma square, Greece. He left a letter before he shot himself. Bellow is the link with the picture and a rough translation of the letter.


    The Tsolakoglou* occupation government literally
    nullified my ability to survive with a decent pension,
    which I had to pay (without government aid) for 35 years.

    Since I am of an age that prevents me from giving a substantial response
    (without of course ruling out the possibility of following a kalashnikov-wielding Greek),
    I cannot find any choice other than a dignified end, before I would have to resort
    to rooting through the garbage for my nutritional needs.

    I believe that the youth without a future will one day take up arms and hang the
    national traitors upside down at the syntagma square, as the Italians did in 1945
    with Mussolini (Piazzale Loreto of Milan)

    [*Georgios Tsolakoglou was a Greek military officer who became the first
    Prime Minister of the Greek collaborationist government during the Axis Occupation
    in 1941-1942.]

  9. In Italy, a Italian 78-year-old jumps to death after pension cut because of the severe austerity measures...

